WELL BUILT Construction Companies share these common traits and beliefs.
Your company is different, and you believe in your value in the market. When a prospective buyer tells you that you’re “equal” or being compared “apples to apples” it really bothers you. You’ve worked hard to be different and better than your competition.
You’re committed to being better all the time. Doing something because it’s “the way we’ve always done it” simply isn’t an option for you. You are only interested in doing something because it’s the right and best way to do it.
You believe the building industry is changing and that change is necessary. Innovations excite rather than annoy you. When changes become necessary to continue to make progress, you seek change out and embrace it.
Evolved Priorities
Having a profitable construction company isn’t your only goal. You recognize that being a great contractor leads to profit and you prioritize the customer and employee experience over short-term financial wins.
Forward Thinking
You have a desire to lead advancements in the building industry and to benefit from those advancements as a company. You are making decisions this year that will improve your profits 10 years from now, and you recognize that helping the industry to advance is going to help you in the long run, even if some of your competition also benefit.