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Our Authors

  • Chad Prinkey

    Chad Prinkey

    Founder & CEO

    Chad, the visionary behind Well Built Consulting, is a published author in the field of commercial construction business. His unwavering mission is to enhance the lives of professionals in the building industry by transforming exceptional companies into truly “Well Built” enterprises.

  • John Livingston

    John Livingston

    Senior Consultant

    John, a seasoned Senior Consultant at Well Built Construction Consulting, brings 40+ years of expertise as an estimator, project manager, and business development executive. His success hinges on building lasting relationships, driving positive change in the construction industry, encouraging growth, and uncovering new pathways to success.

  • Matt Verderamo

    Matt Verderamo

    Group Director

    Matt, a seasoned VP of Preconstruction & Sales with a Master’s Degree in Construction Management, empowers contracting firms as a group director at Well Built. His engaging social media content has fostered a collaborative community of industry leaders driving collective progress.

  • Fulton Cure

    Fulton Cure


    Fulton, a consultant at Well Built Construction Consulting, brings hands-on experience in project management, site supervision, and quality control. Passionate about mentorship, he thrives on helping others succeed while driving industry excellence.

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