Thoughts From A Woman in Construction (Part 3)

A big thank you to our sponsors:

For the next 4 weeks, The Balanced Construction Executive is brought to you by the National Association of Women in Construction – Northern Virginia (NAWIC NoVa). NAWIC’s core purpose is to strengthen and amplify the success of women in the construction industry

NAWIC NoVa is currently raising money for Girls On The Run Northern Virginia (GOTR NOVA). GOTR is a non-profit organization that inspires girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running.

Help NAWIC NoVA’s Girls on the Run Fundraiser here!

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Read time: 4 minutes

Today marks the “official” close of Women in Construction Week.

And that makes this feel like a good time for some reflection.

Let’s take a short trip down memory lane.

 Where we were

9 months ago, I wrote this LinkedIn post:

Harmless enough, right?

Well, a few hours after the post went live, someone named Jodi Martinez popped up in my comments.

She said:

For those that don’t know, DEI is Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

Until Jodi posted her comment, I didn’t realize my list of “best construction LinkedIn friends” was 5 white men.

But that’s how construction is right?

Just a bunch of dudes scratching themselves and grunting at each other!

(I’m only half kidding.)

The industry is changing, but many of those biases still exist, even when we don’t realize it!

So I was grateful Jodi mentioned that, because it made me THINK about my role in the construction industry and if I could make an impact to support DEI.

Where we are now

Fast forward to today.

It’s the last official day of Women In Construction Week, and we’ve got another badass exclusive interview for the Balanced Construction Executive.

And can you guess who our feature interview is with?

The same woman that called me out 9 months ago:

Jodi Martinez of AllStar Glass Company.

Jodi is a calm, calculated, and balanced co-founder of a successful glass and glazing business. She is a strong leader with strong opinions about being a woman in construction. More than that, she is brave enough to call people out (like me) to help create a better construction industry for ALL women.

Which I respect a lot.

So I’m super grateful to have Jodi be a part of our Women In Construction Week series.

Let’s jump in.

Q: How long have you been in the construction industry?

A: Well, I like to say I married into the construction industry! So 27 years – nearly 28. I have been OFFICIALLY on the payroll since Jan 1st, 2007.


Q: What is your favorite part about working in construction?

A: This is one of my favorite questions and something I often think about. My FAVORITE part about working in construction is the variety! Your ‘work’ or the ‘widgets’ are often the same but since every job is different from the next every day feels new and exciting! Kind of like ice cream! Ice cream is ice cream right? But think of the VAST variety of flavors and additions and presentations and delivery methods and brands and price… Working in construction is like eating ice cream every day. (Hope you all like ice cream!!) 


Q: What would you tell a young woman thinking about taking a construction track for her career?

A: Do it! You will not regret it. Stay healthy and be ready to WORK! Oh and call me with questions or if you need a pep talk. 


Q: What is something you deal with as a woman in construction that the average person would be surprised to hear?

A: Women’s PPE gear. While I do not necessarily want to wear gear made for men, I CERTAINLY don’t defer to something PINK. Some women in construction don’t mind the pink ppe – I do mind and refuse to wear it. There needs to be MORE options for comfortable safety gear and work appropriate clothes for the shape of women… and that does not mean a ridiculous color palette. 


Q: What systems does your company have in place to help you navigate being a woman in construction?

A: A team mentality – intentional culture – we are like the co-ed baseball team that strives to be the BEST team with the BEST players and seek out great coaching from within & outside our company. Also training. Lots and lots of training and support from outside organizations like the NGA, ABC and anything community oriented that supports our industry and those who work in it. We believe EVERY PERSON deserves aid while navigating a career in construction! 


Q: Are there any trade or other professionals organizations other women should get involved with

A: The National Glass Association and Associated Builders and Contractors are the two I am most active with and truly love. 


Q: What’s your best piece of advice for men in the construction industry to be better advocates?

A: Thank you for helping pave the way thus far. Keep working towards the common goal of elevating careers in construction regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, religion or birthday. If you are unsure of how to do this start by asking everyone in the room for input. EVERYONE. 


Q: What’s your best piece of advice for a woman in the construction industry who might be struggling with the gender disparity?

A: This is my MO: First, stop, quiet your being and breathe. Next, consider the source of the struggle and where your energy is best spent. Does the situation and the people involved TRULY deserve your efforts? Then grab a colleague or mentor – someone you trust and talk thru your struggle with them. I never want to fuel a wild fire or engage with morons so I chose my battles carefully. I believe in leading by example and not tolerating injustice in the most diplomatic way possible. I believe that the truth will always prevail but that might take time. The truth (in my humble opinion) is that every person on this planet is worthy and valuable and can work well in any field they chose to pursue.

Key words = work & pursue.

Wow. I love Jodi's perspective! I hope you got as much out of it as I did.

Thanks for sharing, Jodi and for being a great example to men and women in the industry.

Next week will be our final "Thoughts From A Woman In Construction" feature.

Can't wait to see you then.

Your friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to donate to Girls On The Run. Any amount will make a difference.

Matt Verderamo

Matt, a seasoned VP of Preconstruction & Sales with a Master’s Degree in Construction Management, empowers contracting firms as a senior consultant at Well Built. His engaging social media content has fostered a collaborative community of industry leaders driving collective progress.

Thoughts From A Woman in Construction (Part 4)


Thoughts From A Woman In Construction (Part 2)