Transforming into an Executive

Most Executive promotions follow a similar pattern: 


First, a boss approaches you to let you know you’ve been tapped for an Executive role. Second, you get excited because gosh darn it that’s what you’ve been working for! Third, the realities of the position set in and you start to wonder if you are capable. Fourth, you start preparing yourself for the new role by working the hardest you’ve ever worked in your life. With all the new responsibilities and competencies needed, your brain is always moving. Fifth, assuming you put in the work mentioned in #4, you prove you are capable of the role and get the promotion. The work doesn’t stop, but it gets easier over time until eventually you cement yourself in that position—only for it to happen all over again when you get to the next level!


It’s really an exciting process, and I was fortunate to watch two high-potential 20-somethings go through it this past week. We were in a strategic planning session where these two awesome guys were invited for the first time. They have a big opportunity in front of them.


As I observed their body language, tone, and overall demeanor, I was reminded that, if you want to be an Executive, you really need to handle growth with grace and maturity. It’s going to be scary, but you must be able to overcome that fear and go out and take action. You can’t let fear cripple you! These guys nailed it. 


There are a couple of other keys to succeeding as an Executive that I have noticed in my work with top Contractors around the Country. If you want to succeed as an Executive, I urge you to work on them immediately. 

Be flexible 


For leaders and business to succeed, they must stay agile and open to change. And I’m not talking about the unnecessary change that comes with not being able to make up your mind as business—because there are companies like that and it’s definitely frustrating. I’m talking about change like evolving market conditions that hurt backlog, key people leaving for one reason or another, or new, awesome people joining and giving your business a jolt of energy and a compelling reason to pursue new service offerings—maintaining your strategic direction through all of this is a challenge! No matter who you are.


As an Executive, you typically have two options: 


  1. You can pout and complain. “Why do things keep changing?! Why can’t we just stick to one direction?!” As nice as it sounds, I’ve found it’s just not realistic. 

  2.  You can be flexible. Flexible Executives are highly valuable because they maintain their composure in the face of change. Which means their teams maintain their composure too! And when you have large teams of people holding strong in the face of change, you’ve got a business ready to reach the moon. 

It’s really simple: 


To be a great Leader and Executive → Be flexible. 


Speak up 


It’s hard to be a new Executive.


It’s a whole new set of responsibilities and expectations for yourself and others, which can be stressful and confusing. And since you’re trying to prove you can do the role, you may consider keeping that stress and confusion to yourself.


I’ve also seen plenty of new Executives feel frustrated when they have ideas that the business doesn’t pursue. Sometimes it comes down to a leader who isn’t listening (which sucks, by the way), but more often it comes down to the fact that you’re new in the position, and while your ideas are appreciated, they don’t fit with the direction of the business right now.


In both scenarios, I’ve noticed that new Executives will stop speaking up; they don’t ask for help or bring new ideas to the Executive Team like they used to. They start to get sad, frustrated, or upset because of all the new things going on around them. 


While I can totally relate and appreciate that feeling of keeping quiet in the face of struggle, I think the other key to being a new Executive is to speak up. First, no one can help you if they don’t know you’re struggling. Second, no one can know you’re frustrated about not having your ideas heard if you don’t speak up and say something! Third, the business will never pursue your ideas if you don’t say them. 


If you notice yourself getting quiet, I would urge you instead to speak your mind. I think you will find it to be a rewarding experience that reinforces your Executive abilities rather than detracting from them. 


Go get it 


Remember: if you want to achieve great things, it is going to take great effort. You’re going to need to do things you’ve never done before, work with people to accomplish serious goals, and learn every step of the way. If you can handle change with grace, be flexible, and speak up, you will set yourself up to succeed. Go get it today. That’s the only way to get started. 

Spark Notes:

  • Transitioning into leadership can bring anxiety and self-doubt, especially when facing new responsibilities and challenges.

  • Effective leadership starts with genuinely caring for your team, prioritizing their needs, and fostering their success.

  • Authenticity in leadership is key; focus on being true to yourself and embracing your strengths and weaknesses.

  • Success in leadership isn’t about pleasing everyone but about consistently putting in your best effort and learning from mistakes.

  • Building a strong leadership foundation requires a commitment to care, authenticity, and continuous growth.

Matt Verderamo

Matt, a seasoned VP of Preconstruction & Sales with a Master’s Degree in Construction Management, empowers contracting firms as a senior consultant at Well Built. His engaging social media content has fostered a collaborative community of industry leaders driving collective progress.

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