The 3 M's (For Winning Negotiated Work)

The 3 M's (For Winning Negotiated Work)

Read time: 3 minutes

Welcome to Building Balance, a weekly newsletter where you'll get actionable strategies to help you build balanced construction companies, careers, and people.

Today's Highlights:

  • The Goal: help you stop chasing low-bid work and start chasing (and winning) negotiated work.

  • The 3 M's for winning negotiated work are Manipulation, Mission, and Marketing.

  • Manipulation is the traditional (and wrong) way of winning work. Mission and Marketing combine to help you find ideal clients who will negotiate with you. We'll talk about how to do that! 

In construction, there’s a huge difference between low-bid and negotiated work.

Low-bid is a race to the bottom, hard to win, and makes you want to pull your hair out. You’ll rarely get respect from your low-bid clients.

On the other hand, negotiated work is collaborative, focused on value creation, and more enjoyable from start to finish. Your clients will respect your skills and show gratitude. You’ll be happier and more fulfilled along the way.

So whether your company chases negotiated work or not, you should understand how to win it.

Over the last 6+ years, I have bid on hundreds of projects — both low-bid and negotiated — and have recognized the “3 M’s of Winning Negotiated Work” that I want to share with you today.

The point of the “3 M’s” is to give you more awareness about low-bid and negotiated work so you can increase your chances of chasing and winning negotiated work in the future.

M #1: Manipulation

Low-bid work is a trap.

I figured this out the hard way. I bid on tons of low-bid projects and never realized the trap I was getting into. Maybe you’re doing the same right now.

But once you are aware of the trap, you can get yourself out of it.

The trap is called Manipulation- and it’s a pricing strategy as old as time.

It sounds good in principle — ”we’ll just drop our numbers lower than our competition and get the customers!” — but it quickly devolves into a race to the bottom.

What does that mean?

If your main focus is manipulating your price to be cheaper than your competition, then you won’t make industry-best profits, which means you can’t hire industry-best people, which means you won’t get industry-best results. This is the low-bid trap. This is the race to the bottom.

Here’s an example:

Company A charges $5/sf for a new shingle roof.

So Company B decides to charge $4.75/sf for a new shingle roof.

The result?

Company B gets the business… until Company A decides to charge $4.65/sf. So Company B drops their number again and again and again. On and on the race to the bottom goes…

This is not sustainable.

So, the first thing you need to do to win negotiated work is to STOP using Manipulation as your main pricing strategy.

Instead, you need to prioritize partnership and value creation.

You are going to be so much happier when you do… so let’s talk about how to do that.

M#2: Mission

Now that you’re aware of the low-bid trap, you need to start building partners who will negotiate with you. You need to show them who you are and what you believe in. You need to give them a reason to negotiate with you.

This starts with your company’s Mission.

All things being equal, people do business with people and companies they like.

Think about Apple.

Is the iPhone objectively the best cell phone on the market?

Maybe to some people, but from a technological standpoint, Samsung probably has them beat. They have better cameras, better features, and more flexibility on maintenance. But to someone who loves Apple, does any of that matter?

Not one bit.

They want the iPhone because Apple believes in what they believe in. They stand for being different. For being an individual. For being a creative.

If you believe in those things, then of course you’re going to want the iPhone, even if logically it’s not the best phone!

So how do you win negotiated work?

You create and cultivate a clear Mission in your organization. You find partners who have the same mission. You focus less on having a cheap number and more on accomplishing something together that you never would be able to accomplish alone. You combine your missions and achieve incredible results.

Here are some good examples of Construction Mission statements for you to learn from:

  • “Elevating the business of building by delivering incredible construction experiences.” -HITT Contracting

  • “We are committed to achieving sustained growth that enables us to provide enhanced value to clients and industry partners and opportunities for our people. Integrity is the foundation upon which we build our relationships with our clients and our employees.” - Gilbane Building Company

  • “Coakley & Williams Construction, Inc. (CWC) believes that every successful business has a responsibility to make a positive contribution in its community.” -Coakley & Williams

M#3: Marketing

Once you have your Mission, now you need to talk about it.

How else will your clients know what you believe in?

How else will they know you have similar Missions?

How else will they know you exist and want to negotiate work together?

It comes down to Marketing.

Marketing seems to be a bad word in construction, but I don’t understand why.

The point of Marketing is simple:

  • You want clients to think of YOU when they get a project

  • Instead of sending it out to 9 companies and awarding the low-bidder

Marketing is awareness.

Negotiated work is only possible if your clients are aware of your Mission, your value proposition, and your expertise.

Marketing yourself through LinkedIn, Instagram, industry publications, trade events, webinars, and newsletters is a cheap price to pay for the amount of work it drives.


In summary, the 3 M’s of Winning Negotiated Work are:

  1. Manipulation

  2. Mission

  3. Marketing

Talk to your employees about manipulation, set up some meetings to get clear on your mission, and then get involved with marketing — whether internally or through a consultant — to transform your business from low-bid to negotiated work.

Once you do, let me know the results.

I hope you’ll be making more money before 2023 is over.

Once you have your results, reply to this email or tag me on LinkedIn and let me know what you learned.

If you enjoyed this, share it with your friends!

Around The Industry: People To Know

Walker Lott

Davis Hambrick

Walker and Davis want nothing but to help the next generation of construction leaders.

Equip the next generation of builders with Walker and Davis by signing up for their newsletter. If you believe in a better construction industry, you'll love what they have to say.

Matt Verderamo

Matt, a seasoned VP of Preconstruction & Sales with a Master’s Degree in Construction Management, empowers contracting firms as a senior consultant at Well Built. His engaging social media content has fostered a collaborative community of industry leaders driving collective progress.

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