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Join for weekly actionable strategies to help you build balanced construction companies and people. This newsletter is Built for ambitious construction professionals.
Constructive Dialogue
Tap into John’s decades of experience in construction with insights on leadership, strategic growth, and building a lasting legacy. Get practical wisdom and actionable strategies every week to elevate your career and make a lasting impact on the industry.
Topping Out
Topping Out is a newsletter designed for construction business owners and executives. Chad aims to provide practical, entertaining advice to drive profits while having fun running your construction business.
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Foundational Focus
You are trying to get ahead in your construction career but don’t know where to start, you aren’t sure who to turn to and you don’t have much time in your schedule. Fulton brings you weekly insights with actionable steps to build you into the leader you want to become.
Assuming Good Intentions: A Simple Mindset with Powerful Benefits
Assuming goodwill creates a foundation of trust that allows relationships to strengthen and communications to flow more openly…
You’re Either Growing or Dying
From my experience, the risks and discomfort of maintaining the status quo often outweigh those of pursuing positive change. Moreover, choosing not to improve can erode the sense of accomplishment and pride…
Stop being treated like the enemy
It’s shocking to me how any Contractors expect to be treated like the enemy, so they just accept it…
How Resilient Are You? A Critical Reflection
In the construction world, change is the only constant. From evolving building codes and regulations to shifting client demands and market trends, the ability to adapt is crucial. Resilient individuals not only accept change but also embrace it…
Engaging the Workforce
When your business embodies your values, your culture will drive project success and cultivate a sense of purpose, achievement, and growth among your employees…
Reflections from a vacation well spent
With time to unplug came time for deep reflection. There are 4 reflections specifically that summarize how I felt as I flew home, and I would like to share them with you now.
Building Strong Relationships Through One-to-Ones
While tending to daily emergencies is crucial, neglecting proactive communication can severely hamper employee engagement and development over the long run. In these times when finding and keeping quality people is so challenging…
Designing Your Business the Way You Would a Building
Just as no building can stand without a solid foundation, nothing you do as a construction company matters as much as your ability to produce a project…
Don’t be afraid to fail
You can sit around and be sad all you want, but if you take action instead, you will see that it was just one mistake…
The Underrated Power of Time Off
Vacations provide an opportunity to recharge mentally, emotionally, and physically by stepping away from job site pressures…
Strengths and Weaknesses - Setting the Debate
Even a master relationship builder cannot effectively mask his inability to understand critical business metrics and use them to manage projects. This weakness is not something that can be shrugged off…
How to create your own career growth
In my experience making it to VP of Preconstruction & Sales at 28 years old, there are opportunities everywhere! And you can create the right ones…
Guiding Younger Workers with High Expectations
Younger workers today are hungry for feedback on their performance. They understand that constructive feedback is essential…
How to Win Without Being the Low Bidder
If you’re a GC/CM, navigating the owner’s decision-making team can range in complexity. Question and discern the data you gather to identify all of the players and their various roles…
A simple but unique solution for beating anxiety
In general, stress and anxiety are not evil! They are important tools…
Selling $1M+ Construction Deals: A Step-By-Step System
Relationships are everything when they are based on trust that you can get the work done.
Overcoming your fear and being the best version of you
When considering how to overcome fear, you’re really considering how to bring happiness into your life. As you start paying attention to happiness, some of those fears of not having enough start fading…
It’s time to say what needs to be said.
We often do a poor job of having hard conversations because we lead with emotions instead of facts. Then, we act like our opinion is right…
The Genius Who Revealed How Our Minds Trick Us
Before Kahneman's groundbreaking work, economic theories rested on the assumption that humans are rational actors who logically weigh the costs and benefits of each option before making optimal decisions…
Uprooting Self-Doubt
Self-doubt is a formidable foe that plagues even the most accomplished professionals. It whispers insidious thoughts, eroding our confidence and obscuring our innate capabilities. However, by cultivating self-awareness and embracing a growth mindset, we can uproot this damaging force…